28 Jun 2015

Parent / Teacher Interviews

Don't forget that parent / teacher interviews are on this week. They will be held on Wednesday and Thursday. Don't forget to sign up for a time if you haven't already. Please see the newsletter for information on how to do this.

19 Jun 2015

Strength Goals

We have been busy trying to work on, and complete, our strength goals that we set in Term One.

Meg has a strength in baking and as part of her goal, she baked cupcakes and brought them to school to share with the class. They were delicious!

Maya was an amazing teacher, and taught the class some origami. She taught us to make flickers and paper boxes / water bombs.

12 Jun 2015


Well done to our wonderful oral language finalists - Isabelle, Maya and Thanuja. You all did an amazing job and should feel very proud of yourselves.

In the Year 4 competition, Thanuja managed to get third place and Maya was the winner of this year group.

Check out her medal!

10 Jun 2015

Super shapes!

Today we made 3-D shapes out of toothpicks and marshmallows. The toothpicks were the edges and the marshmallows were the corners.